As the Director of Interactive Media at Northern Light Productions,
I designed and co-produced 2 screen-based interactives
for the new American Writers Museum in Chicago.



Featured Works is a 100" Ideum touch table exhibit
which inspires users to deeply explore 25 works of American literature.
(Images of the second interactive exhibit, Theme Kiosks, will be posted soon.)

Word Waterfall is an immersive media experience
which explores American identity in the voice
of a diverse collection of American writers.


The Orientation Film introduces visitors
to the organization of the museum and the
idea of the "unique American voice."


Team Credits:
Co-Producer: Beth Sternheimer
Associate Producer: Malaika Woluchem
Graphic Designer of Featured Works: Jesse Beecher and Kunjal Shah
Graphic Designer of Theme Kiosks: Jesse Beecher
Developer of Featured Works: Rob Aecheson
Developer of Theme Kiosks: Rich Howley
Projection Mapping Consultant: Jeff Grantz
Animator and Designer of Word Waterfall and the Orientation Film: Francois Berelowich

I have also designed interactive exhibits for The Strong National Toy MuseumThe Mississippi Museum of History, The Tech Museum of InnovationThe Virginia Historical Society,  and many others.